Making serious money online is not as easy as most people assume. If it were, there would be many workplaces void of staff and a lot more people enjoying the comfort of working from home. Whilst earning untold riches from the internet may be out of reach for most people, earning a nice bit of… Continue reading The Complete 10-Step Guide to Article Marketing – Your Path to Extra Income Every Month
Five Actually Useful Twitter Bots for Marketers
As the age of the Internet continues to move forward, there are a few words that have taken on decidedly negative meanings. Spam, for example, is one of the most hated in our more technologically savvy vocabulary, as is phishing and malware. But one that makes people’s teeth really grind – especially those of us… Continue reading Five Actually Useful Twitter Bots for Marketers
Pros and Cons of Public Wi-Fi Work Spaces
You finally stuck it to The Man and went out on your own! Even better, you’re making good money as a self-employed individual (except for the health insurance). Among the first things I noticed as a newly emancipated freedman was that working from home is uber flexible. If I have a doctor appointment in the… Continue reading Pros and Cons of Public Wi-Fi Work Spaces
Is User Centered Design Essential to Your Website’s Success?
How important is allowing users to provide crucial information in the design process of your website? Should User Centered Design (UCD) be required if you expect online success? The philosophy of having users weigh in on the decision making process with respect to designing successful websites is coming to the forefront of many development conversations.… Continue reading Is User Centered Design Essential to Your Website’s Success?
5 Easy SEO Techniques for Lawyers
I work at a web startup called, and a good part of my job as an SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) is to make sure that when people are searching for yoga classes or piano lessons, links to our site show up in the first results page, preferably among the top three results. If you’re… Continue reading 5 Easy SEO Techniques for Lawyers